““Name me a foreign leader who thinks I’m not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy,” Mr. Biden said, adding, “Tell me who the hell that is.”
President Joe Biden has become delusional and, like Trump, believes only he can save democracy and the world.
Like Trump, his narcissism is so great that it is a threat to American democracy.
If he stays in the race, Biden is extremely likely to usher in government by Trump and his fascist supporters.
The sheer hubris of the man is mind-boggling. He is doing everything he can to cling to the nomination in a desperate effort to cling to power.
He and his retinue argue that he has done a great job as president since 2021, despite the worst foreign policy record since World War II, and domestic failures such as not investigating and prosecuting Trump abd his accomplices for nearly two years.
Most scholars and experts, horrified at Donald Trump and fearful of hurting Democratic prospects in elections, have refrained from any sustained and hard-eyed criticism of Biden and his policies. Many work as consultants to government officials and on government projects. Their reticence is perhaps understandable, though one wonders what itvwould take for them to take a stand.
In the foreign policy arena, at least, we have been a notable exception. We have excoriated Biden and his very weak foreign policy team for a number of strategic errors, including in particular his decision in 2021 to withdraw all American military forces and advisers from Afghanistan.
With the Afghanistan withdrawal, he not only abandoned 40 million Afghans to a cruel fate under the Taliban, medieval religious zealots, but also abandoned 20 million Afghan girls and women to a harsh life of utter oppression by men under a regime which will not let them go to school, study at the university, or do professional work. Indeed, they cannot leave their homes unless escorted by a male relative.
Biden asserted that none of his advisers had opposed the withdrawal, despite the fact that his military leaders had firmly opposed his decision to withdraw. On this point, Biden repeatedly lied.
Even those urging Biden to withdraw from seeking the Democratic nomination routinely assert the decision is solely his to make. This may be true under the bureaucratic rules of the Democratic National Committee, which presumably can be changed, but it is certainly not true in any broader sense.
Everyone is singing Biden’s praises as they seek to coax him into surrendering his death grip on the nomination. One is reminded of a quip by Will Rogers who once said,
Diplomacy is the art of saying ‘Nice doggie’ until you can find a rock.
Democratic leaders are currently engaged in the kind of diffident diplomacy Will Rogers would understand.