The Kremlin in the White House: Russia’s man in Washington, Donald Trump, moves to undermine defense of Ukraine

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1) Joe Barnes, “Trump ‘vehemently disagrees’ with use of US missiles by Ukraine in Russia; President-elect says policy switch by Joe Biden’s administration has escalated the war between Russia and Ukraine,” The Telegraph, December 12, 2024 (2:49pm GMT);

2) “Donald Trump se dit «vivement opposé» à l’emploi de missiles américains en Russie,” Le Figaro, le 12 Decembre 2024 (

3) “Trump gibt sich im »Time«-Interview als Friedensstifter; »Ich möchte, dass alle glücklich sind«: Er werde die Konflikte dieser Welt lösen, behauptet Donald Trump. Wie er das anstellen will, lässt er offen. Weniger friedlich gibt sich der künftige US-Präsident im Umgang mit Iran,” Der zspiegel, den 12. Desember 2024 (17.58 Uhr);

4) “Trump is a peacemaker in the “Time” interview; “I want everyone to be happy”: He will solve the conflicts of this world, says Donald Trump. How he wants to do that, he leaves open. The future US president is less peaceful in dealing with Iran,” Der Spiegel, December 12, 2024 (5:58 pm);

5) “Read the full Jan. 6 report from the Justice Dept. inspector general; The FBI properly shared intelligence before the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot but made some missteps, the report says, Washington Post, December 12, 2024 ((1:06 p.m. EST);

6) Andrew Jeong, “Trump announces Kari Lake as his choice for director of Voice of America; The former news anchor is a fierce Trump loyalist and election denier. She most recently ran for a U.S. Senate seat in Arizona, losing to Democrat Ruben Gallego,” Washington Post, December 12, 2024 (7:18 a.m. EST);;

7) Stefan Beutelsbacher, Stefanie Bolzen, und Pavel Lokshin, “Schlüssel, um Putin zu unterminieren“ – Der Sanktionsirrtum des Westens, Die Welt, den 8. Dezember 2024;

8) Stefan Beutelsbacher, Stefanie Bolzen, and Pavel Lokshin, “Keys to undermining Putin” – The West’s sanctions error,” Die Welt, December 8, 2024;


The Washington Post did not report the most significant developmentnof tgecday. The Telegraph did. Trump will advance Moscow’s interests in general, and in the Ukraine war in particular. This should not come as a surprise to those whomhave been paying attention.

Unfortunately, like the Washington Post, most people have not been paying attention.

The time has come for mass demonstrations to oppose Trump’s selling out the interests of Ukraine and the United States to Putin and Russia.

We are in the middle of a five-alarm fire, and the flames are shooting up all around us.

Each day brings a new outrage from Donald Trump. The latest is the nomination of Kari Lake to head the Voice of America. Edward R. Murrow, who was the first director of the U.S. zinformation Agency, of which the VOA was a part, is surely turning over in his grave.

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