1) “VAdam Gabbatt, Vivek Ramaswamy quits ‘Doge’ cost-cutting program leaving Musk in charge; Tech entrepreneur, who may run for governor of Ohio, reportedly clashed with billionaire SpaceX CEO,” The Guardian, January 21, 2025 (5 09.28 EST);”
2) James Crisp, “Inside Musk’s White House power grab, Billionaire pushes ahead with plans to infiltrate all parts of Trump’s administration after axing of his co-leader at Doge, The Telegraph, January 22, 2025 (3:00pm GMT);
3)Iker Seisdedos, “Musk amplía su poder en la Casa Blanca tras provocar una escisión en el trumpismo; La renuncia de Vivek Ramaswamy deja en solitario al dueño de Tesla, que se ha enfrentado a Bannon, al frente del departamento encargado de adelgazar la Administración estadounidense,” El País, el 22 de enero 2025 (23:40 EST);
4)Iker Seisdedos, “Musk expands his power in the White House after provoking a split in Trumpism; The resignation of Vivek Ramaswamy leaves the owner of Tesla, who has faced Bannon, alone at the head of the department in charge of slimming down the US Administration,” El País, January 22, 2025 (23:40 EST);
Elon Musk is brilliant in many ways. He is a visionary not only of space travel but also of but also of the dystopian future he and other billionaires envision, a world controlled by them. A world with governmental processes of the billionaires, by the billionaires, and for the billionaires.
He understand how the control of information and the flow of information can shape governments and indeed the world. In purely short-term economic terms the acquisition of Twitter for $44 billion dollars make no sense. Viewed from the larger perspective of building the information infrastructure for gaining control of government and eventually the world, the acquisition seems absolutely brilliant. Its value cannot be measured by its stock-price. Rather its value can only be measured by its helping to elect the president of the United States,Donald Trunp and the forging of a close bon between the president and Elon Musk.
The bond has already led to the concentration of great power and influence in the hands of Musk. Musk is a brilliant strategist, which has enabked hi to become the richest an in the world,
Now, withthe departure of Vivek Ramaswamy from the new Department of_Nusk has acquired unmatched power to acess and use not only secret and confidential information about and held by the government, but also detailed information about the information architecture of major U.S. companies and other companies operating in the United States.
Together with Donald Trump’s grantubg of temporary security clearance for access totop secret and the most restiected “compartmentalized”intelligence in the U.S. government, Musk and Trump have or soon will have access to information thay can use to vanquish all opponents, and eventually (sooner than you think) control what we think of as a ‘free press””free speech”.