Trump begins sell-out of Ukraine, following Putin’s script


1) Stefanie Bolzen, Alfred Hackensberger, und Dominik Kalus, “UKRAINE-KRIEG: ‘Er hat sogar mein Wahlkampfmotto gebraucht’, freut sich Trump nach dem Telefonat mit Putin,” Die Welt, den 13. Februar 2924 (03:31);

2) Stefanie Bolzen, Alfred Hackensberger, and Dominik Kalus, “UKRAINE WAR: ‘He even needed my campaign motto,’ Trump rejoices after the phone call with Putin,” Die Welt, February 13, 2025 (3:31 a.m.);

The echoes of Munich in September 1938 were deafening, as Donald Trump began selling out Ukraine to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin on February 12, 2025.

At Munich, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and French Prime Minister Ėdouard Daladier agreed with Italy and Germany to cede the German-speaking Sudetenland, a part of Czechoslovakia, to Germany and Adolf Hitler who threatened a large-scale invasion to seize the territory. This agreement was negotiated over heads of the Czechs who were not allowed to participate in negotiations over the future of their own country.

This was the culminating act of Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement of Germany. The policy did not work, as hit violated the agreement iwhen he invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia (so-called “rump Czechoslovakia”) in March 1939, and Poland on September 1, 1939.

Donald Trump is reportedly a “Russian sset”, and he has lost no time in setting out to do Putin’s work.

Paul Hegseth, the former Fox news commentator and now U.S. Defense Secretary gave away Trump’s position at the Munich Security Conference, stating that 1) NATO membership for Ukraine was out of the question, and 2) that it was “unrealistic” for Ukraine to expect to return to its (internationally-recognized) borders before jthe Russian invasions in) 2014.

Look for more pro-Russian actions from Donald Trump, the American president who is reliably reported to ba a “Russian asset”.

Donald Trump is a brilliant politician and manipulatorr of popular opinion.

When it comes ton substantive foreign policy, he is a profoundly ignorant and stupid man, as suggested by his statements tgat tge U.S. would “take” and own Gaza and take back the Panama Canal.

He is a the zenith of his grandiosity at the moment. zhe is about to learn that the realities of international politics are more intractible than he might have imagined.

While he disdains all law, he is also about to learn tgat international law has teeth and cannot be ignored at his whim.

Any agreement recognizing Russian territorial gains achieved by military conquest would be void under peremptory norms of international law (jus cogens) from which there can be no derogation, not even by agreement between the parties.

Even if Trump and Putin reached agreement recognizing its territorial gains acquitted by military conquest, and coerced Ukraine into accepting it, the agreement would be void under international law.

This Trump will have to learn the hard way when other countries refuse to recognize or support any such agreement.

The United States is looking at four years of foreign policy led by an incredibly ignorant and stupid president.

American Bar Association president criticizes Trump for not following the Rule of Law


1) William R. Bay,”ABA: Trump team’s ‘wide-scale affronts to the rule of law’ weaken America,” Erie Times News/MSN,February 11, 2025;

2) Sara Boboltz “American Bar Association Says Trump Is Not Following The Rule Of Law; “No American can be proud of a government that carries out change in this way,” the group’s president wrote in a searing statement, HUFF POST, Febuary 11, 2025 (12:42 PM EST);

As of 9:00 p.m. on February 11, neither the Washington Post nor the New York Times had posted a story about the ABA president’s statement.

Do the editors at the Washington Post even know what the American Bar Association is?

Or do they have instructions to limit the articles critical of Trump that they print? Since Jeff Bezos’s interference in the editorial process at the Post, one must always suspect the paper is pulling its punches when it comes to Trump.

See Jennifer Rubin, “I Have Resigned from The Washington Post, effective today; Why I left to help launch a vibrant, new, independent media outlet, The Contrarian, January 13, 2025.

Do the editors at the New York Times even know what the American Bar Association is?

Are they also pulling their punches?

See Paul Krugman, “Leaving the New York Times; The full story,” Paul Krugman (Substack), January 28, 2025.

Our leading newspapers appear to pulling their punches when it comes to Trump. This is manifested in stories they don’t cover, the calm way in which they report outrageous developments in an ongoing coup d’état, or autogolpe (self coup), and in the lack of investigative journalism that explains what us going on in Trump’s and Musk’s ongoing efforts to overthrow the Constitutional order and the rule of law.

In an earlier time, they would have been all over a statement by the president of the American Bar Association that the President was not following the Rule of Law.

As lamentable as this is to a longtime reader and fan of the Times since Vietnam days and Watergate, we must now look also to alternative news sources such as The Contrarian to get the full range of news, analysis, and opinion we need in order to defend and sustain our democracy.

Trump advisers consider not complying with court orders


1) “Trump allies suggest defying court orders after stinging legal rebukes; A judge in Rhode Island warned Monday that the Trump administration could be violating an order to halt a spending freeze, Washington Post,February 10, 2025 (updatedat 8:30 p.m. EST)

Go ahead, Mr. President. You have been defying the Constitution and tge lawbforva long time.Why notvdefynthe courts.

Go ahead. It will make impeachment and removingbyou from office all the easier, and more likely to happen soon.

Trump tries to pressure Ukraine in negotiations. He wants access ton rare minerals in exchange for aid. As pressure tactics, he says Ukraine could bevRussian somevday, or noy


1)”En direct, guerre en Ukraine : Donald Trump suggère que l’Ukraine ‘pourrait être russe un jour’n Le président américain a aussi répété vouloir un accès pour les Etats-Unis aux terres rares ukrainiennes en échange de l’aide américaine à Kiev face à la Russie,” Le Monde, le 10 janvier 2025;


Donald Trump suggère que l’Ukraine « pourrait être russe un jour »

Donald Trump a évoqué lundi la possibilité que l’Ukraine devienne « russe un jour », répétant vouloir un accès pour les Etats-Unis aux terres rares ukrainiennes en échange de l’aide américaine à Kiev face à la Russie.

« Je veux que notre argent soit sécurisé parce que nous dépensons des centaines de milliards de dollars. Ils pourraient arriver à un accord, ils pourraient ne pas arriver à un accord. Ils pourraient être russes un jour, comme ils pourraient ne pas être russes un jour », a déclaré le président américain dans un entretien à la chaîne Fox News, ajoutant avoir réclamé à Kiev l’équivalent de 500 milliards de dollars de terres rares, des métaux notamment utilisés dans l’électronique.

There is only one solution to wrecking-ball crazy: Remove Trump

Three weeks into the second Trump administration, one thing is clear: To limit chaos domestically and internationally, the wrecking ball-in-chief must be removed from the Oval Office.

The sooner the Democrats start working in unison to achieve this goal, the sooner the ship of state will becstabilized, tge sooner Trump’s and Elon Musk’s destruction derby will be stopped.

More than democracy and the rule of law in the United States are at stake.

The questiin facing tge Democrats is hiw much more destruction will take place before they wake up and mobilize to act in unison tn remove the President from office.

We argued on January 29 that it was not too soon to speak of 47’s removal.


Is it too soon to speak of removing 47?

It is never too soon to think of the steps that might be necessary to defend our democracy. We are talking about a president who has already led an attempted coup d’état. He is not entitled to a presumption he will act legally or in good faith.

A prudent course would be for the Democrats to start gathering the evidence and building the case for 47’s removal. Then, as each new outrage adds elements to their brief, they should be engaging their Republican counterparts in conversation.

As the “high crimes and misdemeanors” mount, the day may come when their Republican colleagues’ fear of a lame duck president diminishes, and they start thinking about the future, and even national security and the national interest.

Of course, Vice-President J.D. Vance represents a considerable risk himself. He appears to be guided mainly by extreme personal ambition. But while he appears totally unprincipled, to date he does seem to be rational. Whether he aspires to be a dictator or not is unknown.

Is it too soon to be speaking about the removal of 47?

As non-Nazi Germans who lived through the first months of 1933 could attest, it is better to be too soon than to be too late. As they did in Germany in January, February, and March1933, events can succeed one another very quickly in some circumstances.

There is always the possibility of an extraordinary, unforeseen event.

Like a Reichstag fire.

With so many people falling to their deaths, Russia needs to improve its window design


1)”WÄHREND EINER RAZZIA: Russischer Sänger stirbt nach Fenstersturz in St. Petersburg,” Die Welt, den 8. Februar 2025?

2) “Russian singer dies after window fall in St. Petersburg,” Die Welt,February 8, 2025.

So many prominet Russiansvare falling out of their windows to their deaths that one has to seriously question the design of the windoes from which citizens keep falling.

This is a problem leading Russian schools of architecture should br working on as top priority.

Given the fact that many of the victims are highly educated, often with degrees from Russia’s most prestigious universities, “contributory victim stupidity” can be ruled out as a major cause of these tragic accidents.

Behind closed doors, officials are seriouslyinvestigating the possibility that Russian window design may be at fault. It is well known that Soviet and more recently Russian window design has not kept pace with the latest developmentin home and office design and construction in tge leading Western countries.

Soviet and Russian window design, often unchanged since the 1920’s, been blamed for similar accidents, which increased sharply beginning in Lenin’s and Stalin’s times.

Parycularly noteworthy in the present case is that the victim fell out his window while a police raid on his apsrtment was underway.

Experts cite this happenstanceascsyggesring the desirability of a change in police protocols for raiding an apartment.

One of the:first things the police should do, according to these experts. is to close the windows.

Let’s celebrate: Adolf Hitler has built a first-rate system of highways–the Autobahn


1) Camilla Tominey, “Let’s celebrate: Donald Trump is vaccinating the West against the woke mind virus
Whether it’s gender ideology or border control; The president has torn through years of bizarre, divisive groupthink in a matter of weeks,”:The Telegraph, February 7, 2025 (6:10 pm GMT);

How do we judge actions by Donald Trump which are aimed at goals we share, at least in part?

How dowe judge the actions of a dictator ang goals accomplished by dictatorial means, even if we share the goals of the actions in whole or in part?

Unless we’ve lost our moral compass, unless we’ve lost our bearings, we don’t celebrate the dictatorial actions of a tyrant, or goals achieved by dictatorial means.

Camilla Townley, in tue article cited above, falls into the unpardonable trap of praising the acts of a dictator, or would-be dictator.

That weakens the case against the dictator, opening the door to justifications for supporting a tyrannical regime. E.g.,”But…he has done good things…”

Like Adolf Hitler, who built the Autobahn in Germany.

One must always judge the achievement of goals by the means employed to secure them.

With Tominey, and many others, we need to go back to democratic basics, and remind tgem and everyone else of the core tenets of democracy and the rule of law.

Summarily dismissing DEI employees without due process of law is no way to proceed, however much we may disagree with DEI policies.

Timothy Snyder: “of course it’s a coup”; Gaza as a distraction from Musk’s illegal takeover of the executive branch


1) Timothyy Snyder, “Of course ut’s a coup,” Thinking about…, February 5, 2025 (6:31 a.m.);

2) Olga Lautman, “Trump’s Diversion Tactics; Stay Focused on the Hostile Takeover of the U.S. Government,” UnmaskingvRussia, February 5, 2025 (8:37 a.m);

Timothy Snyder: “of course it’s a coup.”

It’d hard to know whether journalists at leading newspapers are just stupid, orvwhether their compromised editors are keeping them from reporting what is really going om. Olga Lautman and Timothy Snyder help tell the real news stories of the day.

On February 4, Donald Trump again revealed his manipulating the press. His latest shiny object was his preposterous proposal that the U.S. take over Gaza and rebuild it, after all of the i habitants had left.

Almost all of the journalists fell for the bait.
a week earlier Elon Musk demobstrated his iwn brilliance at such legerdemain, with his Nazi salute at a gathering of right-wing supporters. The press corp all ran off to cover the Nazi salute, failing to report much less investigate Musk’s power grab and progressive takeover of the government’s computers and the information stored in the.

A careful reading of Trump’s Executive Order on Dope would have revealed what was going on, as we reported here.

Are journalists just stupid, or are their editors keeping them from reporting and investigating the really important news?

Or is tge fact that articles are now wrutten bybteams if four or five reporters? The other day the New York times reported that Musks team members had passed background checks and been vetted for security clearsnces. They failed to note that for a security clearance all you needed was for Trump or the White House Counsel to add your name to a list, and that Musk’s team was hired bypassing all regular hiring procedures.

Reporters at major newspapers, with a few exceptions, are failing utterly at reporting not only the immediate details but also what is really going on.