Ukraine War, February 15, 2024: Putin says he prefers Biden over Trump in presidential election

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1) Ann-Dorit Boy,”Der Meistertroll aus dem Kreml; Vermutlich meint Putin es ernst, wenn er sagt, ein US-Präsident Biden sei ihm lieber als einer namens Trump. Für den ist die Äußerung ein Geschenk,” Der Spiegel, den 15. Februar 2024 (13.48 Uhr):

2) Ann-Dorit Boy, “The master troll from the Kremlin; Putin is probably serious when he says that he prefers a US President Biden to one named Trump. For him, the statement is a gift, February 15, 2024 (1:48 p.m.);

3) Javier G. Cuesta y Antonia Sanchez-Vallejo, “Putin afirma que prefiere a Biden frente a Trump: “Es predecible”; El favorito de los republicanos para pelear por la Casa Blanca califica las palabras del líder ruso como “un gran cumplido”, a la vez que defiende posturas que benefician a Moscú,” El País, el 15 de febrero 2024 (21:19 CET):

4) Javier G. Cuesta and Antonia Sanchez-Vallejo, “Putin claims that he prefers Biden over Trump: “It’s predictable”; The Republicans’ favorite to fight for the White House describes the words of the Russian leader as ‘a great compliment,’ while defending positions that benefit Moscow,” El País, February 15, 2024 (21:19 CET);


Vladimir Putin has said at a press conference that he preferred Joe Biden over Donald Trump in the American presidential election in November, 2024. Der Spiegel reports:

(O)n the evening of Valentine’s Day, Vladimir Putin surprised many with astonishinglyclear words in support of Democrat Biden. When asked by a Russian journalist what outcome he hopes for from the American presidential election, Putin said: “Biden, he is more experienced. He is predictable, he is an old-school politician.” In addition, Putin defended the Democrat against (malicious comments) because of his old age. “When I met Mr. Biden three years ago, people actually already talked about his shortcomings, but I didn’t see anything like that,” Putin said.

Doch am Abend des Valentinstags überraschte Wladimir Putin viele mit erstaunlich klaren Worten zur Unterstützung des Demokraten Biden. Auf die Frage eines russischen Journalisten, welchen Ausgang er sich von der amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahl erhoffe, sagte Putin: »Biden, er ist erfahrener. Er ist vorhersehbar, er ist ein Politiker der alten Schule.« Zudem verteidigte Putin den Demokraten gegen Häme wegen seines hohen Alters. »Als ich Herrn Biden vor drei Jahren getroffen haben, haben die Leute tatsächlich bereits über seine Unzulänglichkeiten gesprochen, aber ich habe nichts dergleichen gesehen«, sagte Putin.

Russian experts think he is serious.

On the other hand, the old KGB master could be tring to defuse Democratic criticisms against Trump as being the stalking horse of Vladimir Putin who would end U.S. support for Ukraine, and weaken NATO.

It seems lije Putin is serious. Whatever the truth, it will be interesting to see how Trump reacts, not just immediately but over time.

Whatever the logic, even if Putin’s statement is a ploy to help Trump, Trump will find it hard not ton react to what seems to be a betrayal by his buddy Putin.

If and when he does react, his reaction could release tge Republicans in the House and those remaining Senators who oppose aid for Ukraine from any mandate from Trump to oppose such aid.

If and when that happens, the aid-for-Ukraine bill, which already passed passed the Senate, should sail through the House and quickly become law.

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