Ukraine War, February 25, 2024: World War II without Churchill

1) Fernando Vallespín, “De Kant a Putin, y viceversa; Como buen depredador, el presidente ruso ha olido la debilidad y cobardía de sus adversarios: unos Estados Unidos que pronto pueden caer bajo las garras de otro loco imprevisible, y una Europa fatigada y fragmentada también por guerras culturales,” El País, el 25 de febrero 2024; (05:00 CET);

Fernando Vallespín Es Catedrático de Ciencia Política en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y miembro de número de la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas.

2) Fernando Vallespín, “De Kant a Putin, y viceversa; Como buen depredador, el presidente ruso ha olido la debilidad y cobardía de sus adversarios: unos Estados Unidos que pronto pueden caer bajo las garras de otro loco imprevisible, y una Europa fatigada y fragmentada también por guerras culturales,” El País, February 25, 2024 (5:00 am CET);

Fernando Vallespín is a Professor of Political Science at the Autonomous University of Madrid and a member of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences.

Ukraine War, February 22, 2024: The failure to press the countries of the Global South on sanctions and condemnation of Russia


1) Edward Wong and Michael Crowley, “U.S. Campaign to Isolate Russia Shows Limits After 2 Years of War
Many nations insist on not taking sides in the war in Ukraine, while China, India and Brazil are filling Russia’s coffers,” New York Times, February 22, 2024 (Updated 1:56 p.m. ET);

2) Rajan Menon, “Putin Has Already Lost,” New York Times, February 22, 2024;

Mr. Menon is the director of the grand strategy program at Defense Priorities, an American foreign policy think tank.

3) David E. Sanger and Steven Erlanger (reporting from Munich),”As Putin Threatens, Despair and Hedging in Europe; There is a dawning recognition that the continent urgently needs to step up its own defense, especially as the U.S. wavers, but the commitments still are not coming,” New York Times, February 18, 2024;

4) Aliss Higham, “Putin Ally Vows Nuclear Strike on Washington if Ukraine Wins,” Newsweek, February 18, 2024 (11:56 AM EST);

5) Luís Panlo Beauregard, “Biden llama a Putin “loco hijo de puta” durante un acto de recaudación de fondos para su campaña; El Kremlin responde que el comentario degrada a Estados Unidos y presenta al presidente como ‘un vaquero de Hollywood’,” El País, el 22 de febrero 2024 (Actualizado a las 11:22 EST);


Edward Wong and Michael Crowley report in the New York Times on the current state of the West’s failure to enlist the support of countries in the Global South in the sanctions regimes against Russia and condemnation of its war of aggression against Ukraine.

Rajan Menon in an op-ed in the Washington Posr writes that Putin has already lost the war in Ukraine, a mistaken reading of recent events that would come as quite a surprise to the Ukrainian troops retreating from Avdiivka which has just fallen to advancing Russian troops.

Menon writes from the long-term perspective of  big-picture rational analysis.
He may be right in some long-term strategic perspective, provided we don’t all die in a nuclear war in the meantime.

A similar article might have been written in 1943, after the tide of war had turned against Germany in World War II.  There is one big difference, however.  Adolf Hitler did not have nuclear weapons.

That is not to say that Joe Biden and NATO should continue to cave in whenever Putin issues nuclear threats.

Like a cuckoo clock, Dmitry Medvedev pops out and issues nuclear threats whenever Putin feels threatened and wants to scare Biden into not taking a particular action.  Some of his recent threats seem to be aimed at scaring Biden and NATO into not deploying F-16 fighters in Ukraine in significant numbers, as they could have a major impact on the battlefield.

Not to disappoint, Biden evidenced his slipping grip and advancing senility by calling Vladimir Putin a “crazy SOB”. SOB means “son of a bitch”.

With a disastrous foreign policy record going back decades, Biden has no way left to sanction Russia other than to call Putin names like a little boy in a fourth grade schoolyard fight.

This is the last — and there’s a existential threat: It is climate. We have a crazy SOB like that guy Putin and others, and we always have to worry about nuclear conflict. But the existential threat to humanity is climate.
Putin just murdered the leading opposition leader in Russia. Surely he’s wincing under the biting force of Biden’s schoolyard taunt.
–White House, “Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Reception,”
Private Residence, San Francisco, California, February 21, 2024

Biden has a great domestic policy record. It’s just that his foreign policy has been a total disaster, which more and more observers are beginning to notice as the chickens come home to roost.

Ukraine is losing territory (e.g., Adviika) because Biden and the West did not ramp up munitions production in time.

Ukraine has not received $60 billion in U.S. military aid because Trump’s followers in the House of Representatives are blocking it.

Ukraine received too few modern weapons too late because of Biden’s restriction, i posed because of his excessive fears of Zputin’s nuclear threats.

Biden failed to deter Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, notably be declaring that NATO forces would not get involved if Russia invaded Ukraine.

Biden showed what staying power the U.S. had by abandoning its allies in Afghanistan, and withdrawing in a manner guaranteed to cause the fall of tge Afghan government headed by elected-President Ashraf Ghani–by withdrawing all U.S. contractors, without whom the Afghan air force could not fly, whereas without tge Afghan air force the Afghan army could not fight.

Biden was the lead on Ukraine policy when, after invading and annexing the Crimea, Russia invaded the Donbas region in Eastern Ukraine, Baracka Obama insisted on calling it an “incursion” instead of an invasion.

Ukraine War, February 18: 2024 (Updated February 21, 2024): The potential intervention of a NATO member’s armed forces in Ukraine


1) “Zur Ukraine übergelaufener russischer Hubschrauberpilot offenbar tot; Im August vergangenen Jahres flog ein russischer Pilot mit einem Mi-8-Armeehubschrauber in die Ukraine, Kiew zahlte dafür angeblich 460.000 Euro. Nun soll die Leiche des Mannes in Spanien entdeckt worden sein,” Der Spiegel, den 19. Februar 2024 (19.19 Uhr);

2) “Russian helicopter pilot overflowing to Ukraine apparently dead; In August last year, a Russian pilot flew to Ukraine with a Mi-8 army helicopter, Kiev allegedly paid 460,000 euros for it. Now the body of the man is said to have been discovered in Spain,” Der Spiegel, February 19, 2024 (7:19 pm);

3) Ronald Brownstein, “The GOP Has Crossed an Ominous Threshold on Foreign Policy; A new study of Republican attitudes helps explain why,” The Atlantic, February 18, 2024 (10:12 am ET);

4) Graeme Wood, “What Tucker Carlson Saw in Moscow; He never quite says what precisely he thinks Russia gets right,” The Atlantic, February 18, 2024;

5)  Anthony Loyd, “Ukraine cannot win without a bigger army; Western arms and money are vital but it will take more manpower to resist a revived Russia,” The Times, February 20 2024 (9.00pm);

6) Julian E. Barnes, Thomas Gibbons-Neff, and Eric Schmitt, “Hundreds of Ukrainian Troops Feared Captured or Missing in Chaotic Retreat; The fall of Avdiivka to Russia may be more significant than it initially seemed as Ukraine struggles with morale and recruitment, New York Times, February 20, 2024 (5:20 pm zEt);


The fall of Avdiivka in the Donetsk region of Eastern Ukraine, caused in large part by the Ukrainians running out of artillery ammunition, is an ominous sign of what may come in the Ukraine War.

The lack of artillery ammunition is a direct result of Republican opposition to Ukraine aid in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Ronald Brownstein points out that even the 20 Republican votes that enabled passage of a compromise bill providing Ukraine aid came from Senators over the age of 55, whereas younger and more recently-elect senators opposed the aid. This split, Brownstein reports, reflects growing isolationism in a Republican Party which is increasingly under the sway of Donald Trump.

The fall of Avdiivka also reflects an enormous strategic failure on the part of Joe Biden, the U.S., NATO countries, and other countries in the West, a failure to grasp the full significance of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the ultimate stakes in tge conflict, and the likelihood that the war will be drawn out and may last for many years.

This failure has led to a kind of war myopia, where leaders in the West assumed at first that a negotiated settlement could be reached in tbe relatively short term, and tgat consequently there was no urgent need to shift to a war economy in order to guarantee the the production of weapons and other munitions over the linger term.

A major consequence of thus failure has been that Ukraine does not at present have sufficient munitions–particularly artillery shells–to successfully prosecute the war.

There are of course a number of other factors which have led Ukraine and tge West to be in tge current situation.

Graeme Wood provides excellent insights into how well life seems to be going in Russia. Despite the international sanctions that have been adopted. and the fact that Vladimir Putin has moved the country to a war economy where factories are working 24/7 and turning out weapons and ammunition at an impressive rate, life in Russia for the average citizen seems surprisingly good.

Russia is on a war footing and apparently in a position to fight a long war in Ukraine, while NATO and other countries have failed to supply sufficient weapons and ammunition to Ukraine to maintain its recent level of activity against the Russians. Air defense systems like the Patriot Missile batteries will reportedly begin to run out of missiles soon, leaving Ukrainian cities unprotected against Russian missile attacks. There are far too few artillery shells.

The strategy of Joe Biden and the NATO countries has been a strategy to avoid defeat but not one to ensure victory, ss we have pointed out on multiple occasions.  In brief, the U.S. and its allies have prohibited the use of weapons it supplies against targets in Russia.

This makes no military sense, and can only be under understood as the product of Joe Biden’s exaggerated fear of Putin’s nuclear threats.

Up until now, the U.S. and its NATO allies have only tried to muddle through, helping Ukraine to avoid defeat. They have by and large failed to grasp the implications of a modern industrialized country like Russia adopting a policy of militarism and aggression, in a frontal challenge to tbe existing U.N.-Charter-based international legal order.

Two years on in the current phase of the war, they haven’t grasped the implications of Russia’s all-out attempt to overthrow the international legal order.

Suddenly, the militarization of space may be openly pursued, as Russia rejects all existing multilateral treaties prohibiting such military activities.

The collapse of the international legal order may come the same way Ernest Hemingway described how bankruptcy comes, in The Sun Also Rises:

“How did you go bankrupt?”
Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”

A likely consequence of Republican opposition to further military and economic aid for Ukraine will be to accelerate the timetable for what was always implicit in the war of Russian aggression against Ukraine:

The entry of NATO forces, or the forces of NATO countries, directly into the conflict.

The “Soectator War” could never be expected to go on forever,

With Russia’s manpower pool more than three times greater than that of Ukraine, it was always evident that Ukraine might run out of soldiers more quickly than Russia did.  In a war of attrition the manpower advantage would become increasingly important.  Russia always had the advantage in this regard.

With Russia’s industrial base, it was always apparent that on a wartime footing it could produce more munitions than Ukraine, and that if support from Ukraine’s allies ever faltered, a major advantage would pass to Russia.

Yet the stakes in the Ukraine war, not only for Ukraine but for the entire world, are simply too high for the U.S. and NATO countries to accept a Russian victory and annexation of Ukrainian territory acquired by military conquest.

If the situation become dire and Ukrainian defeat threatens, one or more NATO countries could move their armed forces into Ukraine. 

Should Russia then attack the territory the dispatching state, Article 5 of the NATO Treaty could become invoked, in which all members are required to come to the assistance of the attacked member state.

Russia could not argue it was acting in self-defense because it is engaged in a war of aggression,  Article 5 might then be invoked.

After that, who knows how events might develop?

Ukraine War, February 18, 2024: Denmark will send ALL of its artillery ammunition to Ukraine. Czech Republic seeks financing for purchase of massive amounts of artillery shells which it has identified as available for purchase.

1) “Dänemark will gesamte Artilleriemunition an Ukraine spenden; Dänemark geht mit einer Symbolgeste voran und schickt seine Artilleriebestände restlos an die ukrainische Front. Auch Tschechien hat offenbar Hunderttausende Granaten für den Kampf gegen Russland aufgespürt,” Der Spiegel, den 18. Februar 2024 (23.02 Uhr);

2) “Denmark will donate all its artillery ammunition to Ukraine; Denmark goes ahead with a symbolic gesture and sends its artillery stocks completely to the Ukrainian front. The Czech Republic has apparently also tracked down hundreds of thousands of artillery shells for the fight against Russia, Der Spiegel, February 18, 2024 (11:02 pm);

Ukraine War, February 15, 2024: Putin says he prefers Biden over Trump in presidential election


1) Ann-Dorit Boy,”Der Meistertroll aus dem Kreml; Vermutlich meint Putin es ernst, wenn er sagt, ein US-Präsident Biden sei ihm lieber als einer namens Trump. Für den ist die Äußerung ein Geschenk,” Der Spiegel, den 15. Februar 2024 (13.48 Uhr):

2) Ann-Dorit Boy, “The master troll from the Kremlin; Putin is probably serious when he says that he prefers a US President Biden to one named Trump. For him, the statement is a gift, February 15, 2024 (1:48 p.m.);

3) Javier G. Cuesta y Antonia Sanchez-Vallejo, “Putin afirma que prefiere a Biden frente a Trump: “Es predecible”; El favorito de los republicanos para pelear por la Casa Blanca califica las palabras del líder ruso como “un gran cumplido”, a la vez que defiende posturas que benefician a Moscú,” El País, el 15 de febrero 2024 (21:19 CET):

4) Javier G. Cuesta and Antonia Sanchez-Vallejo, “Putin claims that he prefers Biden over Trump: “It’s predictable”; The Republicans’ favorite to fight for the White House describes the words of the Russian leader as ‘a great compliment,’ while defending positions that benefit Moscow,” El País, February 15, 2024 (21:19 CET);


Vladimir Putin has said at a press conference that he preferred Joe Biden over Donald Trump in the American presidential election in November, 2024. Der Spiegel reports:

(O)n the evening of Valentine’s Day, Vladimir Putin surprised many with astonishinglyclear words in support of Democrat Biden. When asked by a Russian journalist what outcome he hopes for from the American presidential election, Putin said: “Biden, he is more experienced. He is predictable, he is an old-school politician.” In addition, Putin defended the Democrat against (malicious comments) because of his old age. “When I met Mr. Biden three years ago, people actually already talked about his shortcomings, but I didn’t see anything like that,” Putin said.

Doch am Abend des Valentinstags überraschte Wladimir Putin viele mit erstaunlich klaren Worten zur Unterstützung des Demokraten Biden. Auf die Frage eines russischen Journalisten, welchen Ausgang er sich von der amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahl erhoffe, sagte Putin: »Biden, er ist erfahrener. Er ist vorhersehbar, er ist ein Politiker der alten Schule.« Zudem verteidigte Putin den Demokraten gegen Häme wegen seines hohen Alters. »Als ich Herrn Biden vor drei Jahren getroffen haben, haben die Leute tatsächlich bereits über seine Unzulänglichkeiten gesprochen, aber ich habe nichts dergleichen gesehen«, sagte Putin.

Russian experts think he is serious.

On the other hand, the old KGB master could be tring to defuse Democratic criticisms against Trump as being the stalking horse of Vladimir Putin who would end U.S. support for Ukraine, and weaken NATO.

It seems lije Putin is serious. Whatever the truth, it will be interesting to see how Trump reacts, not just immediately but over time.

Whatever the logic, even if Putin’s statement is a ploy to help Trump, Trump will find it hard not ton react to what seems to be a betrayal by his buddy Putin.

If and when he does react, his reaction could release tge Republicans in the House and those remaining Senators who oppose aid for Ukraine from any mandate from Trump to oppose such aid.

If and when that happens, the aid-for-Ukraine bill, which already passed passed the Senate, should sail through the House and quickly become law.

Disqualification of SenatorsJosh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and other Senate and House candidates under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment

1) Alvin Chang, “The long list of Republicans who voted to reject election; List includes Ted Cruz of Texas and Josh Hawley of Missouri and a majority of Republican House member,” The Telegraph, January 7, 2021;

2) Anna Kaufmanm “The 2024 Senate elections are fast approaching. These are the seats up for re-election,” USA Today updated September 8, 2023 (1:23 pm ET);


Josh Hawley (R-MO)
Ted Cruz (R-TX)
Tommy Tuberville (R-AL)


Mike Rogers (R-AL)
Darrell Issa (R-CA)
Devin Nunes (R-CA)
Lauren Boebert (R-CO)
Matt Gaetz (R-FL)
Marjorie Greene (R-GA)
Steve Scalise (R-LA)
David Cawthorn (R-NC)
Jim Jordan (R-OH)
Elise Stefanik (R-NY)

Donald Trump is a MEGA-criminal. The presumption of innocence does not apply to political judgments

The presumption of innocence in the case of Donald Trump applies only to his trials and eventual criminal convictions. It does not apply to political judgments about his actions.

There is a common misconception is that it is improper to speak of an individual as having committed a crime unless and until he is convicted of a criminal offense in a court proceeding.

The ‘presumption of innocence”, however, applies only to the trial and criminal conviction of a defendant charged with committing a crime.

It is entirely appropriate, outside of this criminal trial context, to speak of individuals as having committed a crime, particularly when there is abundant evidence in the prublic record of the individual having committed the crime.

Consequently, we don’t need a court of law to declare Dondald Trump guilty of the many crimes he has apparently committed, often in broad daylight, and which appear confirmed by the public evidence, including that contained in the criminal indictments against him.

Trump is the political equivalent to a mafia boss, using bevies of lawyers to delay all criminal proceeds against him until after the November 5, 2024 election. If he wins, he will discontinue federal proceedings against him and his accomplices, and he’s said that he would pardon those who have been convicted of criminal offenses related to the January 6, 2021 attempt to overthrow the results of the November 2020 presidential election, including the physical attack on Congress.

Trump is a mega-criminal. In the political view of the public and the voting electorate he should be considered guiltywhere the pubilc evidence is strong. He is a mega-felon, and if justice is allowed to run its course, he is extremely likely to be convicted of the crimes with which he has been charged.

The American electorate should not be misled to believe that they may not consider Trump to be a criminal until he is formally convicted of criminal offenses in a court of law. The American people, and our political system, are not so stupid.

Moreover, Trummp should not even be allowed to run for the presidency, given the express wording of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which provides:

Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection and Other Rights

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

See James Rowles, “Trump appears barred by Section 3 of the 14th Amendment from running for president,” Trenchant Observations, January 4, 2024.

If, despite the plain wording of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, the Supreme Court allows Trump to run in the November presidential election, and if he wins, we will have elected a mafia-style crime boss and his henchmen to run the United States. They would likely do so as a giant criminal syndicate.

A further word regarding Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is in order.

It would appear to apply not only to Trump, but also to all of the Senators and House Members and other federal and state officials who, having taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States), “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the (Constitution of the United States), or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

Consequently, all such officials should be barred from running for public office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

If citizens are paying attention, a large number of lawsuits should be initiated to prevent such persons from running for public office.

The issue here is whether the citizens of a democracy such as the United States will act to defend that democracy against those who would overthrow both the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

January 22, 2024 Dispatches

1) Edgar Morin, “Edgar Morin : « Le progrès des connaissances a suscité une régression de la pensée; Multiplication des guerres, réchauffement climatique, essor des régimes autoritaires : le monde court au désastre, mais il nous faut résister à la haine, estime, dans une tribune au « Monde », le sociologue et philosophe,” Le Monde, le 22 Janvier 2024 (modifié à 15h07);