1) Yair Ben David, “Why Israelis Don’t Want to Know What’s Really Happening in Gaza, According to Psychology Research; A meta-analysis of behavioral studies questions a strange phenomenon: What makes people shut their eyes to the truth – in Gaza, for example?” Haaretz, January 20, 2024;
2) James Rowles,”Suppressed Thought: Ukraine and the West could lose the war–What a Russian victory would mean,” Trenchant Observations, February 8, 2023;
3) Cristian Segura y Javier G. Cuesta (Kiev / Moscú), “Rusia ultima una triple ofensiva para ocupar todo Donbás y avanzar en el frente sur; Las autoridades ucranias, los servicios de inteligencia occidentales y medios independientes rusos dan por hecho que el ataque será en febrero,” el 7 de febrero 2023 (05:40 CET);
4) Cristian Segura and Javier G. Cuesta (Kiev/ Moscow), “Russia finalizes a triple offensive to occupy all of Donbas and advance on the southern front; Ukrainian authorities, Western intelligence services and Russian independent media assume that the attack will take place in February,” February 6, 2023 (23:40 EST);