Michigan: A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Trump

There are reports that a lot of Arab Americans in Michigan are planning on voting for Jill Stein.


Thom Hartmann, “Jill Stein: The Grifter Who May Hand Trump the White House Again; Not only is she helping Trump win—she’s destroying a once-noble party that could be doing good in this country,” The New Republic, October 10, 2024.

They need to think very carefully before casting a vote that would help Trump win Michigan and perhaps the presidential election.

I have studied Arabic at the University level, speak conversational Arabic, and have worked in the Middle East.

The policy of Joe Biden toward Israel and Gaza has been an abomination. By fully supporting Israel’s commission of war crimes in Gaza the United States has become complicit in the commission of those war crimes.

By pressuring the International Criminal Court not to issue the international arrest warrants against Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense minister Yoav Galant for the commission of war crimes in Gaza, the United
States has acted to undermine the principal international body for tor the prosecution of war crimes.

So long as the U.S. supports and enables Israel (through its military aid) to continue its war crimes in Gaza, the U.S. will never be able to assume the leadership of the nations of the world to maintain international peace and security. This reality was brought home this last week by the BRICS summit hosted by Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

There are two nations acting in flagrant violation of international law today.

One is Russia, continuing its vwar of aggression against Ukraine and war crimes in that country.

The other is Israel, continuing its war crimes in Gaza, and now extending the commission of those crimes to the West Bank and Lebanon.

No one disputes Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks from Hezbollah in Lebanon.

However, under international law and the United Nations Charter, exercise of the right of self-defense is subject to the twin requirements of necessity ad proportionality. Israel has not respected the requirement of proportionality, resorting to grotesque arguments in attempts to justify its actions.

All of this is true. None of it justifies a vote for Jill Stein. A vote for Stein wouldv amount, in facr, to a vote for Donald Trump which could lead to his election as president.

Kamala Harris is not running against some ideal candidate who would protect the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank.

Moreover, while Harris may not be the strongest candidate in theory, we are not living in a theoretical universe. Furthermore, the election on November 5 is about much more than a choice between her and Donald Trump.

The election is fundamentally about whether the Democrats should run the country or the Republicans. The Republicans have become fascists Under the leadership of Donald Trump who today exercises absolute control over what has become the fascist Republican Party.

A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump.

What would be the policy of Donald Trump toward Israel and Gaza if he is reelected to be president?

He would not be a friend of tie Palestinians. Look beyond the propaganda and at the actual facts.


1) Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey, John Hudson and Michael Birnbaumm “Trump signals support in call with Netanyahu: ‘Do what you have to do’; Trump offers Israel his backing in wars with Hamas and Hezbollah even as his campaign seeks Arab American votes,” Washington Post, October25, 2024 (Updated at 6:25 p.m. EDT);

2) Here & Now Newsroom, NPR,”How Trump handled Israel while in office,” WbBUR October29, 2024 (06:59).

At this turning point in our nation’s history, in Michigan and elsewhere Arab Americans, who are among the most patriotic of all Americans, need to pay careful attention in voting forca president and also Senators and Congresmen in the November 5 election.

Before voting, Arab-American voters in Michigan need to ask themselves:

Which candidates (president,senators, and congressmen) will be best for the Palestinians, for the Arab-American community, and for the country they now owe allegiance to, the United States of America?

Kelly reports on Trump’s open admiration of Adolf Hitler

1) Michael S. Schmidt,”As Election Nears, Kelly Warns Trump Would Rule Like a Dictator; John Kelly, the Trump White House’s longest-serving chief of staff, said that he believed that Donald Trump met the definition of a fascist,” New York Times, October 22, 2024.

Schmidt reports that General (ret.) John F. Kelly, Trump’s former Chief of Staff,said “that in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law.” Schmidt reported, “Mr. Kelly confirmed previous reports that on more than one occasion Mr. Trump spoke positively of Hitler.He commented more than once that, ‘You know, Hitler did some good things, too,’ Mr. Kelly said Mr. Trump told him.”

Anne Applebaum on Trump’s intentional fascist rhetoric

1) Anne Appelbaum,”Trump Is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini; The former president has brought dehumanizing language into American presidential politics,” The Atlantic, October 18, 2024 (6:00 a.m. ET);

2) “The West Has to Believe that Democracy Will Prevail
The case against pessimism—in Ukraine and around the world
By Anne Applebaum,” The Atlantic, October 20, 2024 (2:30 p.m..

“This year, the Atlantic staff writer Anne Applebaum was awarded the German Book Trade’s Peace Prize for her “indispensable contribution to the preservation of democracy.” Applebaum is the author of Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World; Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine; Gulag: A History; and other books about dictatorship and democracy. This article is adapted from the acceptance lecture that she delivered today in Frankfurt.”

The truth is out: Gen. (ret.) Mark Milley and Democrats now open recognize Trump is a fascist and tge fascist tgrea he and his supporters represent

1) Jonathan Weisman, “Since Gen. Mark Milley was quoted as saying Donald Trump is ‘fascist to the core,’ a term avoided by top members of the Democratic Party is suddenly everywhere; Since Gen. Mark Milley was quoted as saying Donald Trump is ‘fascist to the core,” a term avoided by top members of the Democratic Party is suddenly everywhere,” Nrw York Times, October 17, 2024 (1:39 p.m. ET’;

2) Bret Stephens, “Harris Needs a Closing Argument. Here’s One.” New York Times, October 15, 2024,

1) Sabrina Rodriguez, “Trump amplifies falsehoods about immigrants in closing appeal; As his edge on the economy fades, the Republican nominee campaigned in Aurora, Colo., on Friday, promoting false claims about Venezuelan gangs taking over residential buildings there, Washington Post, October 11, 2024 (Updated at 5:18 p.m. EDT).

Media bias against Harris. Who will administer CPR to a comatose American body politic, if not the press?

A great deal of the news coverage of and opinion about Kamala Harris reflects a deep innate bias against her.

The press doesn”t know how tonreport on Trump. They don’t know how to analyze crazy. And they or their young editors are not inclined to look beneath the surface to find out and report on what is going on under the hood, so io speak, at the deep subconscious level where voters’ emotions will determine how they vote on November 5, 2024, the day of America’s date with Destiny.

The bias is that is an innate feature of their reporting is that they hold Kamala Harris up in comparison not to her actual opponent, Donald Trump, but rather to some idealized rational presidential candidate who exists only in their imaginations.

Their comparisons of Harris’ speeches, policies, or character are always against this illusory candidate of their imagination. Making such comparisons, they strive to show how brilliant they are analytically. Meanwhile, the necessary comparisons with the real candidate, Donald Trump, are never formulated or presented to their readers and listeners.

Reporting on what is really going on in the campaign is consequently absent from their newspaper articles andp their television reports.

How do you report on crazy? How do you report on Trump’s policies when he has no policies other than talking points that might occur to him or his advisors on any given day, at any given time?

Kamala Harris might not be the best presidential candidate the Democrats might have produced. But given Joe Biden’s stranglehold p on the nomination process and his obstinate refusal to withdraw from the race until he was absolutely forced to do so, Harris was the only feasible candidate for the Democrats–at that moment in time.

With Harris the Democrats at least had a chane to win the presidential election and control of the Senate and the House. With Joe Biden, an increasingly senile candidate, they faced inevitable defeat in all three arenas.

Kamala Harris was the best possible candidate for the Democrats.

For the press and television and other reporters, the central question is and always has been, how does she stack up against Donald Trump and how dobtge Democratic candidates stack up against their Republican opponents.

How do they stack up against Crazy and the lying Republican candidates who are utterly under the thumb of the crazy, lying, and criminal Leader of their authoritarian party? let us be frank and call it what it is–a fascist party totally controlled by a fascist Leader, Donald Trump. Crazy, surrounded by leaders of a would-be fascist government.

Ponder this: Neither Trump, nor vive-presidential candidate J.D. Vance, nor Republican House Leader Mike Rodgers, will admit publicly that the 2020 presidential race was won by Joe Biden. Nor will they admit that there was virtually no evidence of any significant fraud– none, as confirmed by the decisions of all 62 courts in which Trump raised spurious claims of fraud without a shred of credible evidence.

Moreover, these same Republican leaders will not commit to accepting the presidential election results in 2024 if Trump doesn’t win.

It is past time that reporters started reporting on what is really going on in the 2024 elections, on the character and democratic commitment of candidates from the two parties.

Without a fearless and vibrant press, America seems to be in a political coma.

Who, if not the press, will administer CPR to the comatose American body politic, if not the press?