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Things are not going well in America or in thecworld.

Like many others, I suspect, I am numb.

I am numb from seeing Israel commit war crimes on a daily basis in Gaza, and acquiescing in if not fomenting settler violence against in the West Bank.

I am numb from observing America’s complicity in these Israeli war crimes.

I am numb from all of Joe Biden’s talk of peace, coupled with his absolute refusal to use the instruments of American power to bring about that peace.

I am numb from all of the talk about a ceasefire and release if Israeli hostages deal, the evil ploy used by Israel to hold out hope while it continues to kill thousands of civilians in Gaza, and while Benjamin Netanyahu deliberately acts to kill any ceasefire and release of hostages deal whenever negotiations appear tantalizing close to agreement.

I am tired of Joe Biden’s endless assertions that he is pressuring Israel to kill fewer civilians, as he approves a $20 billion military aid package without effective limits, without even those proscribed American law which prohibit arms transfers when they might be used in ways other than self-defense–as defined by international law and the U.N. Charter.

I am numb from watching the horror show in Gaza, and the horror show in the White House where the president will not withhold the U.S. vet in the U.N. Security Council to allow it to take effective action by, e.g., imposing sanctions on Israel for its blockade and other war crimes in Gaza.

I am numb from watching Joe Biden impose prohibitions on the use by Ukraine of weapons supplied by NATO countries against targets in Russia when such action is fully justified under the international law of self-defense and the United Nations Charter.

I am numb from listening to specious justification for such restrictions, with the armchair warriors in U.S. military ranks telling the Ukrainians the weapons would not be effective despite Ukraine’s urgent and repeated pleas for such weapons.

I am numb from observing Joe Biden’s cowardice since February, 2022, always withholding needed weapons for as long as he can before the unity in the NATO alliance breaks.

I am numb from the cowardice that assumes this is UkrIne’s war, not our war, as the world faces the greatest challenge to civilization and the international legal order since World War II.

Finally, I am numb as I watch half the people in the United States abandon reason and surrender to the cult of Donald Trump and the gowing fascist movement in the United States.

I am numb as I see the formation of a powerful alliance between so-called “low-information voters” and highly educated business people, often billionaires or very wealthy individuals who cynically support the Leader, believing as they did in Germany that they could control the fascists.

What are “low-information voters”? They are the voters who with their cynical business allies would again elect Donald Trump, who charitably might be called the ultimate “low information president”.

Yet let us dig further. What, really, is a low-information voter? He is a voter who has not taken the trouble to investigate the facts regarding different candidates, being content to gonwith the mass emotions of his tribe.

Us it not a civic duty in a democracy to inform onesel about tge candidates and the issues?

The media will not call out these low-information voters as lazy or stupid people, because they depend on selling soap and other advertised hoods and services to these same voters.

Who came up with such a marvelous euphemism as the “low-information voter”?

Well, I’m numb from all of the above.

The future of American democracy, as well as the strategic coherence of U.S. foreign policy, now depends on the have of tge American electorate who might still be able to think and act in a rational manner if tgey can only wake up from the torpor of their curren numbness, and act to save the Republic.

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