Trumpworld: Let me out of here!

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I don’t want to live in Trumpworld.

I don’t want acts of corruption and his latest efforts to hollow out the institutions of our democracy and the valuesto spend the next fouer years reading and hearing about the latest acts of corruption and his latest efforts to hollow out the institutions of our democracy and the values of our culture.

Trump has corrupted America/ It is like an ongoing trainwreck. I don’t want to watch as it unfolds.

I am interested in fighting and defeating the growth of fascism in America and in the world.

That’s what the current Go Fund Me Appeal is about, which you can see by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page.

Donations will go to a newly established Rescue Democracy Fund. Contribute and become a member of the Rescue America movement. We need to join forces and come together as a movement. The fund will support the writing and publication of books and articles which have as an important goal the unmasking and defeat of fascism in the United States, and the support beyond subscriptions to the Trenchant Observations newsletter and its author.

Together, we have the power–to defeat the growing power–or at least that is our ope–of “Techno-Fascism” in the United States. It is Fascism because there is no other word for it. “Authoritarianism” is much too soft a term, which the evidence suggests does not penetrate the ideological and information bubble of Republicans and other Trump supporters.

It is Techno-Fascism because the billionaires who accumulated immense wealth and power through the unregulated growth of the Internet and Surveillance Capitalism have joined forces with the fascist movement of Donald Trump and the Republicans. Through their control of the flow of information and their mastery of propaganda, they have in effect seized control of the government, which has now become part of their power matrix. Elon Musk, the richest man in the world now has demonstrated that he now has the the power to kill a bipartisan bill approved by the 435 elected representatives of Congress.

President Joe Biden explicitly warned us of these developments in his final freewill address on January 15, 2025.

Germans who lived through the Third Reich told us that the phenomenon of Adolf Hitler and Nazism could happen anyplace Naively, we comforted ourselves with the belief that it was a specifically German phenomenon, a product of German history and culture. We failed to pay attention to the development of fascism in other countries, content in the belief that It can’t happen here,the title of Sinclair Lewis’s fabulous novel about the the triumph of fascism in the U.S. (1935).

Well, it has happened here.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” wrote the famous American philosopher George Santayana in The Life of Reason (1905).

Sadly, we have not been able to remember the Nazi past, or the rise and history of fascism in other countries. Even when we saw it, as in Argentina and Chile in the 1970’s, we were too naive to call it by its rightful name: FASCISM.

It is not clear how or whether we will defeat Techno-Fascism in the U.S.and elsewhere. But it is absolutely clear that we will not succeed if we don’t try.

And it is equally clear that our starting point must be to recuse the concept of Truth from it many assaults.

The Rescue Democaacy movement begins there, supporting the publication of books and articles which preserve the truth of recent history, the facts, in the face of massive propaganda efforts by the Republicans to rewrite recent and newt-so-recent history, auxh as the history of what really happened on January 6, 2021.

The title of this essay expresses my feeing: “Trumpworld: Let me out of here!”

Yet surely at a deeper level of our being we also feel the urgency of fighting Trumpworld, of enaging in the battle to rescue all that we hold dear. Undoubtedly the people who lived in Europe furing World War II wanted to secape the hell their world had become.But they did not give up. Tehy stood up to fascism, against very long odds in 1940, but in the end triumphed and saved our civilization from the barbarism that threatened it

We must do the same

And we must begin by launching a fearsome battle to rescue and safeguard the truth,

We must record the truth, and remind people every day of the truth.

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