1) Timothyy Snyder, “Of course ut’s a coup,” Thinking about…, February 5, 2025 (6:31 a.m.);
2) Olga Lautman, “Trump’s Diversion Tactics; Stay Focused on the Hostile Takeover of the U.S. Government,” UnmaskingvRussia, February 5, 2025 (8:37 a.m);
Timothy Snyder: “of course it’s a coup.”
It’d hard to know whether journalists at leading newspapers are just stupid, orvwhether their compromised editors are keeping them from reporting what is really going om. Olga Lautman and Timothy Snyder help tell the real news stories of the day.
On February 4, Donald Trump again revealed his manipulating the press. His latest shiny object was his preposterous proposal that the U.S. take over Gaza and rebuild it, after all of the i habitants had left.
Almost all of the journalists fell for the bait.
a week earlier Elon Musk demobstrated his iwn brilliance at such legerdemain, with his Nazi salute at a gathering of right-wing supporters. The press corp all ran off to cover the Nazi salute, failing to report much less investigate Musk’s power grab and progressive takeover of the government’s computers and the information stored in the.
A careful reading of Trump’s Executive Order on Dope would have revealed what was going on, as we reported here.
Are journalists just stupid, or are their editors keeping them from reporting and investigating the really important news?
Or is tge fact that articles are now wrutten bybteams if four or five reporters? The other day the New York times reported that Musks team members had passed background checks and been vetted for security clearsnces. They failed to note that for a security clearance all you needed was for Trump or the White House Counsel to add your name to a list, and that Musk’s team was hired bypassing all regular hiring procedures.
Reporters at major newspapers, with a few exceptions, are failing utterly at reporting not only the immediate details but also what is really going on.